New World is scheduled to be rolled out overnight

New World is scheduled to be rolled out overnight

The most recent update for New World is scheduled to be rolled out overnight. This update heralds the return of Nightveil Hallow and offers fresh opportunities to confront Baalphazu once again. Aside from the Halloween-themed event, the update incorporates a plethora of general fixes and enhancements.

Nightveil Hallow is making a comeback, starting tomorrow and running through November 14th. This time, the event features a touch of intrigue, as candy has been introduced into the festivities. Candy in New World will be a temporary consumable, and players will need to unravel the unique effects of each type.

Additionally, you can transform into various costumes to resemble characters like Captain Thorpe, adding to the seasonal celebration. Assemble a group to take on Baalphazu and his minions in exchange for rewards. The update introduces new event rewards while also bringing back several previous ones.

For the spooky season, the new Umbral Rite store release includes skins like the Séance Mask Bundle, Midnight Portents Bundle, and even a T-rex walk emote.

Throughout the game, numerous fixes and adjustments have been made, including resolving a few quest-related issues. Some quests lacked proper alerts and were obstructing player progress, but these problems have been addressed in the update. Some fixes pertain to specific expansion content, such as a bug that previously hindered players from teleporting or summoning their mounts at shrines.

Artifacts have also received several fixes to balance them, including adjustments to the perks obtained from these artifacts. The new flail has undergone tweaks to address issues and balance the weapon. The new mount system has seen various fixes as well, including animation refinements and eliminating the loud noises produced when sheathing weapons while mounted.

Moreover, several UI issues have been rectified, including bug fixes that arose with the release of the Rise of the Angry Earth expansion. One notable bug prevented players from collecting and claiming their season pass items, which has now been resolved in this patch.

By the way, you can go to MMOexp store, buy New World Gold improve your roles, good luck.