World of Warcraft Guild Guide

World of Warcraft Guild Guide

Since the addition of Vanilla servers, we can now experience the joy of being a part of guilds. But what if you feel like you want to leave a guild and start playing solo, or make a guild of your own? Well, that’s why we’ve published this guide to make you aware of such things because it often confuses players to take the wrong decision.

How to make a guild in World of Warcraft Classic?

Making a guild requires a bit of effort, because you have to first locate a Guild Master in the city of your respective factions, and then buy a Guild Charter for 10 silver WoW Gold coins. Once that’s done, you can start searching for a minimum of 10 players to add onto the charter, and then head back to the Guild Master with the signed petition. Ta-Da! You now have your own guild.

There are a few things you need to keep in mind before doing so. You need to have the signed Guild Charter in your backpack when you head back to the Guild Master to create your guild. Paying 10 silver coins is actually the easy part, because the hardest part is finding 10 members to sign the Charter, and the reason is that if you don’t get the required signatures, then you don’t be able to create your own guild. In simpler words, get ready to interact with a whole lot of players, because you will need to approach them for the final positive outcome.

Where can you locate the Guild Masters in World of Warcraft Classic?

You can find a guild master in every capital city, and by that, I mean, Alliance faction players can find their respective masters in Stormwind, Darnassus, and Ironforge, whereas the Horde faction players can locate their masters in Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff. A good suggestion to find the exact location of a particular Guild Master is by heading to make your way to the capital city and asking a guard for directions. However, to make it easier, we have listed the coordinates of every Guild Master below.

Alliance Guild Masters – Aldwin Laughlin in Stormwind City (Trade District, 57.2, 68.0), Jondor Steelbrow in Ironforge (The Commons, 35.2, 85.0), and Lysheana in Darnassus (Craftmen’s Terrace, 69.6, 23.2).

Horde Guild Masters – Urtrun Clanbringer in Orgrimmar (Valley of Strength, 43.8, 74.6), Christopher Drakul in Undercity (Central Area, 69.6, 44.6), and Krumn in Thunder Bluff (Central Area, 37.6, 62.2).

How do I invite other players to join my guild in World of Warcraft Classic?

You can add a member by clicking on the ‘Add Member’ option from the Guild interface. An alternate way is to use the ‘G’ key. You can also type the following code /ginvite “playersname” in the chatbox to invite the player. Do remember that only the Guild Master or another high-ranking member can invite other players into the guild.

How do I leave a guild in World of Warcraft Classic?

Open the chat function to how to leave guild wow classic and type ‘/gquit’ in the exact same order to leave the guild. Easy, isn’t it? When you insert the command prompt, you will automatically leave from any guild that you are associated with. A point to be noted is that your guild members will be able to see the notification of you leaving the guild when you fulfill the how to quit guild wow guide, and the message will be displayed in yellow on their respective chats. In case you want to leave the guild silently, then it’s best that you use the WoW TBC how to leave guild guide when no one is around (offline). Also, you can only be associated with one guild at a time.

There’s no real penalty for leaving a guild in Warcraft, so if anyone has told you that there is, then that’s a lie. In Vanilla, apart from losing reputation in Retail World of Warcraft, there are no other repercussions for leaving a guild. The only drawback would be that the bond between your guild members may be affected, because finding out that a member has left and joined another guild never turns out well.

If you’re looking to quit a guild in Free Fire, then all you have to do is open the Guild menu, which is to the right of your screen, and then click on the Members List option. From there, hover over the Open-Door icon (bottom-right corner) and click OK to successfully leave.

The Best World of Warcraft Private Realms

The Best World of Warcraft Private Realms

World of Warcraft private realms are definitely growing in popularity, and after playing in several different World of Warcraft test realms, it seems that there may even be more players playing in private realms than in the pre-assigned Blizzard realms which require you to pay for. To access these private test realms, it won’t cost you a monthly fee (you can stop paying for your Blizzard/WoW subscription and continue playing). I love the fact that I can play these realms without having to worry about going down to the store once every few months and pay money out of my pocket to keep playing.

So when it comes time to choose from the private test realms, there is a lot of debate. There are over 100 different private World of Warcraft test realms. Each of these realms varies in some way or another, be it the members, setup, or gear, the realms are all going to be different from eachother.

When I look for a private test realm that I like, I look for a few characteristics. I like a really fast test realm. No one wants to experience lag while they’re playing. I also want to be able to get the lower tier gear extremely easily, if it’s going to be an instant level 70 realm. I don’t want to have to run through instances in crap gear to get something even worth while.

However, I don’t want to be able to get the best gear in the game extremely easily. It takes all of the fun and challenge out of the game completely when you’re already completely decked out and ready to start massively pvp’ing when you have everything you need easily. On the other hand, the realms that allow their players to get the gear only through donations is extremely unfair as well. Players who want to spend the most money on the game are going to have an extreme advantage!

I like it when I have to run through dungeons with groups of people in order to get the tier 7 or season 5 gear. It is nice however, to be able to get the lower tier gears before this. It’s still fair that you need to work towards having the best gear in the game.

So, according to the criteria I’ve described above (you might not like my specifications, in that case, look through the servers on the link at the end of the article), these are a few of my favorite private test realms.

Funserver is a decent realm. On this one, you’ll become level 70 instantly, you start out at level 70 when you create a new character. It’s pretty simple to get your gear and what not. The lag is manageable, however still present. If you enjoy a completely lag free server, this might not be the one for you. However, the GM support is quite decent on this realm, and it’s well organized. The website for this realm can be found here.

Hswow is another pretty nice realm. Lately, its been closing down quite a bit while I was playing though. I think this is more of a temporary thing. The best feature about this realm is the layout of the honor shops. They’re extremely easy to go through and get all of your equipments. The thing I hate about this realm is that if you want to have good power and do good in PVP, you’re going to need to be a donor. I still love the amount of PvP and players in general on this realm though. You can talk between factions, as well as have both alliance and horde members of a guild. Interesting layout. You can find the website for this realm here.

Atomic WoW is my personal favorite private WoW realm. It’s extremely fast, I’ve never experienced lag. The gear is fun getting, like I said in the description, you can get most of the lower tier gear easily, and you’ll need to run dungeons for the best. You can get all the gold you want by talking to a cow. The GM’s are friendly and helpful. Decent amount of players. Custom dungeons for gear. It’s really the best I’ve played. The only thing it lacks is PvP in random areas, which was a big deal on other realms. The website for Atomic WoW can be found here.

If you’re interested in checking out the best 100 private WoW servers, view this website.
Good luck choosing! Have fun with Private Servers!

World of Warcraft: The Top 5 Perks of the Paladin

World of Warcraft: The Top 5 Perks of the Paladin

World of Warcraft Paladins, like Druids and Shaman…are a hybrid class. They can do multiple things depending on the Paladin Build you choose and the gear you’re able to acquire. By making a paladin, you essentially make a little bit of everything in the game. Here are some of the best perks you can get from the paladin in World of Warcraft.

  1. Paladin’s wear plate and heal. They’re the single class in World of Warcraft at this time that can both wear Plate and heal. This means not only are they hard to kill because they have great defense and armor rating, but the damage you DO hit them with…they can just heal up. They’re extemely hard to kill.
  2. Paladins Tank better against Multiple mobs than Warriors, and are about even with Druids. This means that by having a Paladin tank, your Tank can heal and take on more mobs efficiently than a Warrior in World of Warcraft. Think about it. Yes, there are some situations where you’re absolutely going to need a Warrior Tank in World of warcraft. That’s true…but most tanking situations are tailor made to be able to be done with whatever class is available. If there are mutliple mobs during some of the pulls…the equally geared paladin is going to come out the better tank in World of Warcraft.
  3. Paladins can become invincible. It’s true. Though they might not be at their peak of damage dealing and offensiveness while in this state, they still have the power to become invulnerable for a short period of time. As long as the Paladin has the mana, they can heal up during this time, giving them essentially….two lives.
  4. Paladin buffs are among the most requested in the game. Paladins have a buff for everything. Strength, Stamina, Intellect, Attack Power, Damge Sheilds, yada yada yada. They’re great buffers.
  5. Paladins can do ANYTHING in a raid. You’ll be able to find groups so fast you’ll get sick of being invited to them. You can DPS, Tank, Heal, Off-Tank, Spot Heal, etc. On top of that, even if you’re DPSing, you can still heal somebody and save them from the virge of death. Rogues, Mages, Warlocks, Death Knights, Hunters and Warriors can’t do that while they’re DPSing! Eveybody needs what you can do….and that my friends, is called having it made in the shade =)

Who says the good guys finish last? They lied!